Invisalign Clear Braces for Kids

Invisalign Clear Braces for Kids

A Happy teen at dentist’s office

Your teenage years are when you leave your adolescence behind. Teenagers want to feel confident and look great. If you or your kids are looking to improve their crooked or misaligned teeth, the Invisalign brace for kids is a great alternative for getting a straight smile without the unpleasant look of traditional metal braces.

At Smile Cafe, our experienced dentist, Dr. Daniel Noor, and his team offer this state-of-the-art solution to enhance your smile without the hassle of metal brackets and wires.

Schedule your completely FREE Invisalign braces for kids consultation NOW, and surprise your family and friends with a confident, charismatic new smile.

Click Now for Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Unlike metal braces, Invisalign teeth braces are transparent and barely noticeable. They are an excellent option if you want to hide your orthodontic treatment from your friends. Our skilled dentist uses advanced 3D technology to assess your dental needs and create a beautiful smile just for you. We will provide a set of custom-made plastic aligners to fit snugly over your teeth, gradually moving them into the right position.

As a teenager, you will love Invisalign teen braces because it allows you to eat, brush, and live without the restrictions of metal and ceramic braces. This way, you can feel confident while getting your orthodontic treatment. No one will even know you are working on a perfect smile.

What Will My Friends Say About My Appearance?

Invisalign braces for teens is an excellent option for you as a teenager, allowing you to transform your smile secretly. With Invisalign, you can perform your daily activities without interruption. When it comes to your friend's opinions about your appearance, the positivity should be clear. They will notice progressive changes in your smile but will be unable to notice your aligners as they stick to your teeth and are virtually invisible.

They will only know if you break the news about your teeth straightening treatment. Afterward, they will appreciate your dedication to self-improvement and encourage you on your journey to boost your confidence and happiness. It may also inspire them to get their smile aligned with Invisalign!

Invisalign Makes a Difference for Teenagers

Invisalign teen braces use a sequence of tailor-made aligner trays that are both comfortable and almost invisible, crafted from a smooth BPA-FREE plastic material. Dr. Daniel Noor and the Smile Cafe NYC team carefully plan out the movement of your teen braces, and with each new set of aligners, your teeth gradually shift into place.

You won't have to deal with the annoyance of adjusting wires or brackets, making Invisalign braces for kids a flexible and straightforward option for orthodontic care. They may change aligners approximately every few weeks, seamlessly moving your teeth toward an amazing smile without interrupting your daily life.

Invisalign teen braces offer a practical and painless way for your teenager to correct misalignments and bad bite issues, ensuring they achieve a beautiful smile without disruption.

Advantages of Invisalign Teen Braces for a Confident Smile

A beautiful teen wearing her Invisalign clear aligners

Choosing Invisalign teen braces works for you if you are eager to achieve your virtually perfect smile while maintaining your teenage lifestyle. These clear braces are designed to tackle common dental issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, misaligned teeth, crooked teeth, and crowded teeth, enhancing overall dental health.

Below, we highlight why Invisalign clear aligners are the go-to choice for teen orthodontic care.

Virtually Invisible

Thanks to Invisalign's clear design, teens can enhance their smiles without the self-consciousness that often comes with different types of braces.

Comfort Comes First

Without the sharp edges typically found in metal braces, Invisalign aligners provide a comfortable experience without the risk of mouth injuries.

Customized Treatment

Smile Cafe's dedicated team, led by Dr. Daniel Noor, creates a customized treatment plan using Invisalign aligners, ensuring a more efficient and comfortable path to your ideal smile.


The ease of removing aligners to eat, brush, and floss promotes better oral hygiene that can be challenging to maintain with traditional braces.

Save Time

Because wires and brackets do not need to be adjusted, visits to Dr. Daniel Noor at Smile Cafe are less frequent, leaving more time for activities and hobbies.


The removable nature of Invisalign aligners means you can continue enjoying your favorite foods and activities without restrictions, ensuring minimal impact on your daily routine.

Schedule Your Completely FREE Invisalign Consultation NOW and surprise your family and friends with a confident, charismatic new smile.

Click Now for Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Process of Invisalign at Smile Cafe

A beautiful girl discussing the Invisalign process with her dentist

Your path to an impressive, beautiful smile through Invisalign begins with a FREE initial Consultation at Smile Cafe. During this first meeting, Dr. Daniel Noor will analyze your teeth condition in depth. This step is fundamental as it enables Dr. Noor to understand your specific dental health needs, concerns, and the goals you wish to achieve with your smile.

Based on our personalized insight, we craft a customized treatment strategy just for you. Using our advanced 3D imaging technology, we carefully plan each stage of your teeth' movement toward correct positioning. This personalized treatment plan offers a sneak peek of your future smile before your treatment begins.

Dr. Noor will regularly review your progress, making minor adjustments to your aligners or your overall plan as necessary. These regular check-ups ensure that your treatment remains on the right path, ultimately leading to the successful achievement of your ideal smile.

Timeline and Maintenance of Your Invisalign Treatment

The length of Your Invisalign treatment can differ greatly, with most individuals seeing results between 12 to 18 months. Remarkably, improvements might be observable within just a few weeks of beginning your treatment. For best results, wearing your braces for 22 hours a day is advised, only taking them out for eating, drinking (anything other than water), brushing, and flossing.

This rigorous adherence ensures your teeth move into their straighter positions efficiently, resulting in your stunning new smile. It is recommended that you clean your aligners at least twice a day. You can do this by rinsing them with lukewarm water and gently brushing them with a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste.

Start on Your Invisalign Experience Now and Get Your Beautiful, Amazing New Smile!

Invisalign is not merely about an attractive smile. It opens doors for an active lifestyle and confidence.

Schedule Your Completely FREE Invisalign Consultation NOW and surprise your family and friends with a confident, charismatic new smile.

Click Now for Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Call (212) 779-3494 now for your FREE Invisalign braces for kids consultation with our friendly, professional dental team. Don’t wait any longer for the smile you've always wanted.


45 Park Ave, Professional Unit 1,
New York, NY 10016

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THU9:00 am - 8:00 pm

FRI9:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUNBy appointments only