What Is Accelerated Orthodontics?

What Is Accelerated Orthodontics?

Satisfied dental patient showing her beautiful smile

Did you know that we can fast-track your Invisalign journey toward your new confident, charismatic smile? We Can! At Smile Cafe NYC, our world-famous dentist, Dr. Daniel Noor, DMD can provide you with an amazingly beautiful smile in less time than it normally takes with Invisalign treatment.

Accelerated Orthodontics is a modern method for an orthodontist to give you a confident, charismatic smile in about half the time. It speeds up the process of straightening crooked teeth and fixing your misalignment problems.

Unlike metal braces, they are clear and removable. We aim to give you the smile of your dreams as quickly as possible with our advanced accelerated orthodontics. Our highly experienced specialists, with years of experience, will make the procedure quick, simple, and easy for you.

Our expert dentist and orthodontist near you in New York City provides excellent dental care for you and your family. This way, you can proudly display your new smile at a job interview or a wedding or even help you meet someone special.

Schedule Your Completely FREE Invisalign Consultation NOW and fast-track your success toward your beautiful, charismatic smile.

Click Now for Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Our goal is to ensure that you and your family can achieve a healthy smile. We want to help improve your overall quality of life by promoting better oral health.

Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Dentist showing his patient the benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign presents several key benefits when compared to traditional metal braces. The simple design makes it less noticeable, so you can smile without worrying about how you look. This is a huge plus for most patients wanting straight teeth without the look of metal in their mouth.

Invisalign is more comfortable than metal braces. This is because it doesn't have sharp edges that can irritate your cheeks and gums. Another advantage is the freedom to eat whatever you like, whenever you like.

Traditional braces require you to avoid certain foods to prevent damage. Invisalign, on the other hand, is removable, allowing you to eat and drink anything during your orthodontic treatment. Invisalign treatment is faster than traditional braces, making it a great treatment option for people who want quicker orthodontic results.

Understanding Accelerated Orthodontics

Accelerated Orthodontics uses techniques and advanced technology to straighten your teeth faster. Compared to the extended treatment times associated with traditional orthodontics, this method can fix your misaligned teeth in 3-8 months. Its growing popularity stems from its efficiency in achieving desired results without extending the treatment duration unnecessarily than conventional orthodontic treatment.

Choosing accelerated orthodontic treatment can quickly improve your smile and bone structure, increasing your confidence and charm. Additionally, it contributes positively to your oral health in a much shorter timeframe.

At NY Smile Cafe, we carefully make Invisalign braces for your top and bottom teeth, concentrating especially on your front teeth. This treatment plan fixes open bites and improves your teeth and jaw appearance and function for a beautiful, comfortable, straight smile.

A beautiful smile with metallic braces

How Invisalign Works With Accelerated Orthodontics?

Invisalign braces significantly advance orthodontic practice with a series of custom aligners. The aligners move your teeth and jawbone gradually to meet your dental needs. This ensures that your realignment process is smooth and effective for your smile. Invisalign is easier and faster than traditional braces because it doesn't require manual adjustments by an orthodontist.

Taking out your Invisalign aligners helps keep your mouth clean and prevents gum disease, tooth decay, and cavities. This benefit is vital for maintaining your oral health during your orthodontic treatments.

Achieve Your Dream Smile In 90-120 Days With Accelerated Orthodontics

A beautiful smile showing difference between braces & accelerated orthodontics

Are you hesitant about committing to a long orthodontic journey with metal braces? Our dentist and orthodontist near you at Smile Cafe Dental Spa NYC will turn your dream smile into a swift reality. Invisalign braces are virtually invisible aligners that offer aesthetic appeal and several more practical benefits than traditional metal wires to straighten your teeth.

With orthodontic acceleration, you can achieve your dream smile in as little as 90-120 days! Many patients who choose orthodontic acceleration with Invisalign experience a significantly shorter treatment duration than with traditional braces. Don't wait for years when you can see life-changing results in months!

Invisalign In Accelerated Orthodontics

A Beautiful girl sitting in a dentist office

In the realm of accelerated orthodontics, Invisalign shines with several advantages that significantly enhance and reduce your orthodontic treatment journey:

Speed of Treatment

Invisalign can cut treatment time in half compared to braces, giving a faster way to your new, amazing, straight smile.


Your aligners are virtually invisible, allowing you to exhibit your smile confidently even while undergoing orthodontist treatment.


Without the metal wires and brackets associated with conventional braces, Invisalign offers a more comfortable orthodontic experience.


Invisalign aligners are removable, so you can eat and drink whatever you want while simplifying cleaning and maintenance.


Invisalign uses 3D imaging technology to ensure your teeth move correctly. This gives us precision when creating your great new straight smile. It gives us more assurance that your teeth will be moving in the right direction.

Post-Treatment Care for Acceleration Patients

After undergoing acceleration treatment, patients can readily resume their day-to-day activities, including work or school. To ensure the best results and maintain comfort post-treatment, adhere to the following guidelines for the first 48 hours:

Avoid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen. These can hinder your inflammatory response, which is essential for the success of your acceleration treatment. If you experience discomfort, opt for Tylenol instead.

Be Mindful of Dietary Choices

To avoid discomfort, steer clear of spicy foods or those high in citric acid after your treatment. Foods such as oranges or spicy red peppers might increase sensitivity and discomfort during this critical period.

Oral Hygiene Instructions

Following treatment, we may advise you to rinse your mouth with a hydrogen peroxide solution. We will provide you with personalized instructions on how to care for your teeth after your treatment. These instructions will help keep your mouth healthy and comfortable for a lifetime.

These steps will help you feel better and recover more quickly so you can enjoy the benefits of our faster orthodontic treatment.

Fast Track Your Success Toward Your Perfect Smile!

Are you feeling inspired to explore the benefits of Invisalign and Accelerated Orthodontics with an orthodontist near you? Schedule your consultation at Smile Cafe NYC and start your journey toward your quick and stunning new smile transformation.

Experience personalized dentistry tailored to your unique smile at Smile Cafe Dental Spa.

Schedule Your Completely FREE Invisalign Consultation NOW and fast-track your success toward your beautiful, charismatic new smile.

Click Now for Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Call us NOW at 212-779-3494 to schedule your FREE Accelerated Orthodontics consultation! We are located at 45 Park Ave, Professional Unit 1, New York, NY 10016. Remember, a thousand-mile journey begins with a single orthodontic step - take yours NOW!


45 Park Ave, Professional Unit 1,
New York, NY 10016

Office Hours

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TUE9:00 am - 8:00 pm

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THU9:00 am - 8:00 pm

FRI9:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUNBy appointments only